function loadAvatarImage(id) { var profile = loadProfile(id); return loadImage(profile.avatarUrl); }However, tasks such as loading a profile can take a while and are best handled asynchronously. Then one calls loadProfile with an additional argument, a callback. It returns immediately and one can go on to do different things. Once the profile has been loaded, the callback is invoked and receives the profile as an argument. Now you can perform the next step, loading the image. That leads to an asynchronous, callback-based programming style that looks as follows:
function loadAvatarImage(id, callback) { loadProfile(id, function (profile) { loadImage(profile.avatarUrl, callback); }); }This asynchronous programming style is called continuation-passing style (CPS). The synchronous programming style is called direct style. The name CPS is due to the fact that you always pass a callback as the last argument to functions. That callback continues the execution of the function, is the next step to perform. It is thus often called a continuation, especially in functional programming. The problem with CPS is that it is contagious, an all-or-nothing proposition: loadAvatarImage uses CPS internally, but it can’t hide that fact from the outside, it must be written in CPS, too. The same holds for everyone who invokes loadAvatarImage.
function loadAvatarImage(id, callback) { loadProfile(id, loadProfileAvatarImage); // (*) function loadProfileAvatarImage(profile) { loadImage(profile.avatarUrl, callback); } }JavaScript hoists the function loadProfileAvatar (moves it to the beginning of the function). Hence, it can be called at (*). We nested loadProfileAvatarImage inside loadAvatarImage, because it needed access to callback. You will see this kind of nesting whenever there is state to be shared between function invocations. An alternative is to use an Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE, [1]):
var loadAvatarImage = function () { var cb; function loadAvatarImage(id, callback) { cb = callback; loadProfile(id, loadProfileAvatarImage); } function loadProfileAvatarImage(profile) { loadImage(profile.avatarUrl, cb); } return loadAvatarImage; }();
function logArray(arr) { for(var i=0; i < arr.length; i++) { console.log(arr[i]); } console.log("### Done"); }Let us convert it to CPS in two steps. The first step is to use recursion for iteration. That is a common technique in functional programming. The following code is still in direct style.
function logArray(arr) { logArrayRec(0, arr); console.log("### Done"); } function logArrayRec(index, arr) { if (index < arr.length) { console.log(arr[index]); logArrayRec(index+1, arr); } // else: done }Now it is easier to convert the code to CPS. We do so by introducing a helper function forEachCps.
function logArray(arr) { forEachCps(arr, function (elem, index, next) { // (*) console.log(elem); next(); }, function () { console.log("### Done"); }); } function forEachCps(arr, visitor, done) { // (**) forEachCpsRec(0, arr, visitor, done) } function forEachCpsRec(index, arr, visitor, done) { if (index < arr.length) { visitor(arr[index], index, function () { forEachCpsRec(index+1, arr, visitor, done); }); } else { done(); } }There are two interesting changes: The visitor at (*) gets its own continuation, next, which triggers the next step “inside” forEachCpsRec. That lets us make CPS calls in the visitor, e.g. to perform an asynchronous request. We also have to provide a continuation done at (**) to specify what happens after the loop is finished.
function mapCps(arr, func, done) { mapCpsRec(0, [], arr, func, done) } function mapCpsRec(index, outArr, inArr, func, done) { if (index < inArr.length) { func(inArr[index], index, function (result) { mapCpsRec(index+1, outArr.concat(result), inArr, func, done); }); } else { done(outArr); } }mapCps takes an array-like object and produces a new array by applying func to each element. The above version is non-destructive, it creates a new array for each recursion step. The following is a destructive variation:
function mapCps(arrayLike, func, done) { var index = 0; var results = []; mapOne(); function mapOne() { if (index < arrayLike.length) { func(arrayLike[index], index, function (result) { results.push(result); index++; mapOne(); }); } else { done(results); } } }mapCps is used as follows.
function done(result) { console.log("RESULT: "+result); // RESULT: ONE,TWO,THREE } mapCps(["one", "two", "three"], function (elem, i, callback) { callback(elem.toUpperCase()); }, done);Variation: parallel map. The sequential version of mapCps is not as efficient as it could be. For example, if each mapping step involves a server request, it sends the first request, waits for the result, sends the second request, etc. Instead, it would be better to send all requests and then wait for the results. Extra care has to be taken to ensure that they are added to the output array in the proper order. The following code does all that.
function parMapCps(arrayLike, func, done) { var resultCount = 0; var resultArray = new Array(arrayLike.length); for (var i=0; i < arrayLike.length; i++) { func(arrayLike[i], i, maybeDone.bind(null, i)); // (*) } function maybeDone(index, result) { resultArray[index] = result; resultCount++; if (resultCount === arrayLike.length) { done(resultArray); } } }At (*), we must copy the current value of the loop variable i. If we don’t copy, we will always get the current value of i in the continuation. For example, arrayLike.length, if the continuation is invoked after the loop has finished. The copying can also be done via an IIFE or by using Array.prototype.forEach instead of a for loop.
function visitTree(tree, visitor) { if (Array.isArray(tree)) { for(var i=0; i < tree.length; i++) { visitTree(tree[i], visitor); } } else { visitor(tree); } }That function is used as follows:
> visitTree([[1,2],[3,4], 5], function (x) { console.log(x) }) 1 2 3 4 5If you want to allow visitor to make asynchronous requests, you have to rewrite visitTree in CPS:
function visitTree(tree, visitor, done) { if (Array.isArray(tree)) { visitNodes(tree, 0, visitor, done); } else { visitor(tree, done); } } function visitNodes(nodes, index, visitor, done) { if (index < nodes.length) { visitTree(nodes[index], visitor, function () { visitNodes(nodes, index+1, visitor, done); }); } else { done(); } }We also have the option of using forEachCps:
function visitTree(tree, visitor, done) { if (Array.isArray(tree)) { forEachCps( tree, function (subTree, index, next) { visitTree(subTree, visitor, next); }, done); } else { visitor(tree, done); } }
function abs(n) { if (n < 0) return -n; return n; // (*) }Hence, (*) is not executed if n is less than zero. In contrast, returning a value in CPS at (**) does not terminate a function:
// Wrong! function abs(n, success) { if (n < 0) success(-n); // (**) success(n); }Hence, if n < 0 then both success(-n) and success(n) are called. The fix is easy – write a complete if statement.
function abs(n, success) { if (n < 0) { success(-n); } else { success(n); } }It takes some getting used to that in CPS, the logical control flow continues via the continuation, but the physical control flow doesn’t (yet).
Direct style. You call a function and it must return to you, it can’t escape the nesting that happens with function calls. The following code contains two such calls: f calls g which calls h.
function f() { console.log(g()); } function g() { return h(); } function h() { return 123; }The control flow as a diagram:
Continuation-passing style. A function determines where to go next. It can decide to continue “as ordered” or to do something completely different. The following code is the CPS version of the previous example.
function f() { g(function (result) { console.log(result); }); } function g(success) { h(success); } function h(success) { success(123); }Now, the control flow is completely different. f calls g calls h which then calls g’s continuation g' which calls f'. The control flow as a diagram:
function searchArray(arr, searchFor, success, failure) { forEachCps(arr, function (elem, index, next) { if (compare(elem, searchFor)) { success(elem); // (*) } else { next(); } }, failure); } function compare(elem, searchFor) { return (elem.localeCompare(searchFor) === 0); }CPS allows us to immediately exit the loop at (*). In Array.prototype.forEach, we cannot do that, we have to wait until the loop is finished. If we rewrite compare in CPS then it automatically returns for us from the loop.
function searchArray(arr, searchFor, success, failure) { forEachCps(arr, function (elem, index, next) { compareCps(elem, searchFor, success, next); }, failure); } function compareCps(elem, searchFor, success, failure) { if (elem.localeCompare(searchFor) === 0) { success(elem); } else { failure(); } }That is quite astonishing. To achieve a similar effect in direct style, we would need exceptions.
function printDiv(a, b, success, failure) { tryIt( function (succ, fail) { // try div(a, b, function (result) { // might throw console.log(result); succ(); }, fail); }, function (errorMsg, succ, fail) { // catch handleError(succ, fail); // might throw again }, success, failure ); }To make exception handling work, every function needs two continuations; one for successful termination and one if a failure happens. The function try implements the try-catch statement. Its first argument is the try block which has its own local versions of the success and failure continuation. The second argument is the catch block which again has local continuations. The last two arguments are the continuations that apply to the function as a whole. The CPS division div throws an exception if the divisor is zero.
function div(dividend, divisor, success, failure) { if (divisor === 0) { throwIt("Division by zero", success, failure); } else { success(dividend / divisor); } }And now the implementation of exception handling.
function tryIt(tryBlock, catchBlock, success, failure) { tryBlock( success, function (errorMsg) { catchBlock(errorMsg, success, failure); }); } function throwIt(errorMsg, success, failure) { failure(errorMsg); }Note that the continuations of the catch block are statically determined, they are not passed to it when the failure continuation is invoked. They are the same continuations that the complete tryIt function has.
function* countUp() { for(let i=0;; i++) { yield i; } }Note the infinite loop in the function wrapped by the generator object. That infinite loop is continued every time next() is called and paused every time yield is used. Example interaction:
> let g = countUp(); > 0 > 1If we implement generators via CPS, the distinction between the generator function and the generator object becomes more obvious. First, let’s write the generator as a function countUpCps.
function countUpCps() { var i=0; function nextStep(yieldIt) { yieldIt(i++, nextStep); } return new Generator(nextStep); }countUpCps wraps a generator object around a generator function that is written in CPS. It is used as follows:
var g = countUpCps(); (result) { console.log(result); (result) { console.log(result); // etc. }); });The constructor for generator objects can be implemented as follows.
function Generator(genFunc) { this._genFunc = genFunc; } = function (success) { this._genFunc(function (result, nextGenFunc) { this._genFunc = nextGenFunc; success(result); }); };Note how we store the current continuation of the generator function inside the object. We don’t pass it on.
function f(n) { var i=0; for(; i < n; i++) { if (isFinished(i)) { break; } } console.log("Stopped at "+i); }The same program implemented via goto looks like this:
function f(n) { var i=0; L0: if (i >= n) goto L1; if (isFinished(i)) goto L1; i++; goto L0; L1: console.log("Stopped at "+i); }The CPS version (ignoring isFinished) is not much different:
function f(n) { var i=0; L0(); function L0() { if (i >= n) { L1(); } else if (isFinished(i)) { L1(); } else { i++; L0(); } } function L1() { console.log("Stopped at "+i); } }
function logArrayRec(index, arr) { if (index < arr.length) { console.log(arr[index]); logArrayRec(index+1, arr); // (*) } // else: done }In current JavaScript, the stack will grow for each additional array element. However, if we look closer, we realize that it is unnecessary to preserve the stack while making the self-recursive call at (*). It is the last call in the function, so there is nothing to return to. Instead, one could remove the data of the current function from the stack before making the call and the stack would not grow. If a function call comes last in a function it is called a tail call. Most functional programming languages make the aforementioned optimization. Which is why looping via recursion is as efficient in those languages as an iterative construct (e.g. a for loop). All true CPS function calls are tail calls and can be optimized. A fact that we hinted at when we mentioned that they are similar to goto statements.
function f(n) { var i=0; return [L0]; function L0() { if (i >= n) { return [L1]; } else if (isFinished(i)) { return [L1]; } else { i++; return [L0]; } } function L1() { console.log("Stopped at "+i); } }In CPS, every function call is always a tail call. We transform each call
func(arg1, arg2, arg3);into a return statement
return [func, [arg1, arg2, arg3]];The trampoline picks up the returned arrays and performs the corresponding function call.
function trampoline(result) { while(Array.isArray(result)) { var func = result[0]; var args = (result.length >= 2 ? result[1] : []); result = func.apply(null, args); } }We now invoke f like this:
continuation(result);you write
setTimeout(function () { continuation(result) }, 0);Node.js even has the special function process.nextTick() for this purpose:
process.nextTick(function () { continuation(result) });