This blog post is about type assertions in TypeScript, which are related to type casts in other languages and performed via the as
and unknown
in TypeScriptIn TypeScript, any
and unknown
are types that contain all values. In this blog post, we examine how they work.
In this blog post, we take a first look at the ECMAScript proposal “Record & Tuple” (by Robin Ricard and Rick Button). This proposal adds two kinds of compound primitive values to JavaScript:
This blog post describes how to create web apps via TypeScript and webpack. We will only be using the DOM API, not a particular frontend framework. The repository ts-demo-webpack
with the files can be downloaded from GitHub.
This blog post gives the bird’s eye view of how TypeScript works: What is the structure of a typical TypeScript project? What is compiled and how? How can we use IDEs to write TypeScript?
This post is meant to be read before learning how to write TypeScript code (material for doing that is listed at the end).
This blog post gives an overview of strategies for migrating code bases from JavaScript to TypeScript. It also mentions material for further reading.
This blog post describes how to use TypeScript to create npm packages with CommonJS modules. All the artifacts that are shown can be downloaded via the GitHub repository ts-demo-npm-cjs
(I deliberately have not published it to npm).
In this blog post, we explore classes as values:
This blog post explores static typing for functions in TypeScript.
In this blog post, we examine how class definitions work in TypeScript: