This blog post gives tips for error handling in asynchronous, Promise-based functions.
In this blog post, I argue that it should be possible to have multiple implementations of the same npm package (same name, same version).
ES6 arrow functions are often a compelling alternative to Function.prototype.bind()
The main use case for ES6 symbols is that you can use them as property keys that can’t clash with other property keys.
In case you think that name clashes don’t matter, here are three examples of where name clashes caused problems in the evolution of the JavaScript standard library:
Enough with the fatigue – tips against feeling overwhelmed:
The ECMAScript proposal “Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors()
” by Jordan Harband and Andrea Giammarchi is part of ECMAScript 2017. This blog post explains it.
Update 2017-01-29: At the TC39 meeting in January 2017, the last feature of ECMAScript 2017, “Shared memory and atomics” advanced to stage 4. That means that its feature set is now complete, as listed below.
is an ECMAScript proposal by Domenic Denicola and Rick Waldron. It is at stage 4 (finished) and part of ECMAScript 2016.
Async functions are an ECMAScript proposal by Brian Terlson. It is at stage 3 (candidate).
Before I can explain async functions, I need to explain how Promises and generators can be combined to perform asynchronous operations via synchronous-looking code.
)The exponentiation operator (**
) is an ECMAScript proposal by Rick Waldron. It is at stage 4 (finished) and part of ECMAScript 2016.