
Synchronous and asynchronous sequential execution of functions

[2015-11-03] dev, javascript, esnext, async

This blog post examines three ways of executing function sequentially:

  • Synchronously
  • Asynchronously, via Promises
  • Asynchronously, via the library co


Reader survey 2015

[2015-10-25] 2ality

The traversal order of object properties in ES6

[2015-10-24] dev, javascript, esnext

The ECMAScript 6 specification defines in which order the properties of an object should be traversed. This blog post explains the details.

Influences on ECMAScript 6

[2015-10-21] dev, javascript, esnext

This is a list of a few ECMAScript 6 features and what their influences were:

ES proposal: function-callable classes

[2015-10-20] dev, javascript, es proposal

This blog post describes the proposed ECMAScript feature “call constructor” (stage 1).

Why is there a “temporal dead zone” in ES6?

[2015-10-19] dev, javascript, esnext

In ECMAScript 6, accessing a let or const variable before its declaration (within its scope) causes a ReferenceError. The time span when that happens, between the creation of a variable’s binding and its declaration, is called the temporal dead zone.

For more information, consult Sect. “The temporal dead zone” in “Exploring ES6”. Here, I’d like to answer two questions:

  • Why is there a temporal dead zone?
  • Why does typeof cause a ReferenceError for a variable in the TDZ?

Running a simple web server from a shell

[2015-10-16] dev, javascript, nodejs

The classic command for running a simple web server from a shell is:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer [«port»]

As a result, files are served at http://localhost:«port», with 8000 being the default if you omit the port.

Modular HTML pages

[2015-10-14] dev, html, static site generation

Static site generation: minimizing how much is re-generated  

When statically generating HTML content, you face an interesting challenge: If the page frame (the “chrome” of a page) contains information that changes frequently, you need to re-generate all pages every time it does. One example of such information is a top 10 list of the pages that were most popular during the last 30 days.

A list of ES6 feature lists

[2015-10-10] esnext, dev, javascript

Using the Google Analytics Core Reporting API from Node.js

[2015-10-08] dev, nodejs, javascript, static site generation

This blog post explains how to use the Analytics Core Reporting API by Google from Node.js.

Let’s use that API to create a Node.js script analytics.js that downloads the top 10 most visited pages of your website.