In most JavaScript engines, there is a global object console with methods for logging and debugging. That object is not part of the language proper, but has become a de facto standard, since being pioneered by the Firebug debugger. Since their main purpose is debugging, the console methods will most frequently be used during development and rarely in deployed code.
This blog post gives an overview of the methods of console.
JavaScript can only safely represent integers i in the range −253 < i < 253. This blog post examines why that is and what “safely represent” means. It is based on an email by Mark S. Miller to the es-discuss mailing list.
The ECMAScript Internationalization API is a standard JavaScript API that helps with tasks related to internationalization: collation, number formatting, date and time formatting. This blog post gives a brief overview and points to more reading material.
If there are a lot of tabs open in Google Chrome, it tends to become slow. Killing tabs by hand, via the Task Manager helps, but is tedious. The following bash script (by Sindre Sorhus) lets you conveniently kill all open tabs from the shell (OS X only):