
Using strict mode in the Node.js REPL

[2013-12-20] dev, nodejs, javascript
If you want to use strict mode [1] in the Node.js REPL, you have two options.

Why are there so many array-like objects in the DOM?

[2013-12-08] dev, javascript, clientjs, jshistory
Tweet by Leon Arnott:
#TIL the reason the DOM has so many "array-like objects" that aren't functional arrays… is because in Javascript 1.0, there were no arrays.


Initializing an array with values

[2013-11-23] dev, javascript, jslang, jsarrays
It is not a frequent use case, but it comes up occasionally: Producing an array [1] of a given length that is filled with values. This blog post explains how to do it and what to watch out for.

ECMAScript 6 modules in future browsers

[2013-11-19] esnext, dev, javascript, jsmodules, clientjs
Update 2013-11-22: David Herman has published the slide deck “Status Report: ES6 Modules”.

[1] is an introduction to ECMAScript 6 modules and how they can be used in current browsers. In contrast, this blog post explains how future browsers will support them natively. As part of that support, we will get the <module> tag, a better version of the <script> tag.

Immediately invoked constructors and object literals

[2013-11-08] dev, javascript, jslang
By now, you are probably familiar with immediately invoked function expressions (IIFEs, [1]). This blog post looks at immediately invoked constructors and immediately invoked object literals.


The history of “typeof null”

[2013-10-29] dev, javascript, jslang, jshistory
Update 2013-11-05: I take a look at the C code of typeof to better explain why typeof null results in 'object'.

In JavaScript, typeof null is 'object', which incorrectly suggests that null is an object (it isn’t, it’s a primitive value, consult my blog post on categorizing values for details). This is a bug and one that unfortunately can’t be fixed, because it would break existing code. Let’s explore the history of this bug.

The dict pattern: objects without prototypes are better maps

[2013-10-14] dev, javascript, jslang
Using objects as maps from strings to values has several pitfalls. This blog post describes a pattern that eliminates some of them.

The JavaScript console API

[2013-10-05] dev, nodejs, javascript, clientjs
In most JavaScript engines, there is a global object console with methods for logging and debugging. That object is not part of the language proper, but has become a de facto standard, since being pioneered by the Firebug debugger. Since their main purpose is debugging, the console methods will most frequently be used during development and rarely in deployed code.

This blog post gives an overview of the methods of console.

Safe integers in JavaScript

[2013-10-01] numbers, dev, javascript, jsint, jslang
Update 2014-02-08: Follow-up blog post “What are integers in JavaScript?

JavaScript can only safely represent integers i in the range −253 < i < 253. This blog post examines why that is and what “safely represent” means. It is based on an email by Mark S. Miller to the es-discuss mailing list.


Tips for using window in JavaScript

[2013-09-29] dev, javascript, jslang
In web browsers, window refers to an object that contains the global variables. This blog post explains how it works and when to use it.