
A meta style guide for JavaScript

[2013-07-30] dev, javascript, jslang
JavaScript has many great style guides. Thus, there is no need to write yet another one. Instead, this blog post describes commonly accepted meta style rules and conventions that I like that are controversial. The idea is to help you make a more informed decision about what is right for you.

ECMAScript 6 modules: the future is now

[2013-07-27] esnext, dev, javascript, jsmodules
Update 2014-09-07: Newer version of this blog post: “ECMAScript 6 modules: the final syntax”. Read it instead of this one.

This blog post first explains how modules work in ECMAScript 6, the next version of JavaScript. It then describes tools that allow you to already use them now.

In defense of JavaScript’s constructors

[2013-07-22] dev, javascript, jslang
JavaScript’s constructors have never been particularly popular: Douglas Crockford doesn’t like them and recently, more anti-constructor material has been published (two examples: blog posts by Kyle Simpson and Eric Elliott).

In this blog post, I explain that not all of the constructors’ flaws are real. But even with those that are real, I still recommend to use them. I’ll tell you why and what the future holds for constructors.

Hello Polymer: Q&A with Google’s Polymer team

[2013-07-16] dev, html5, javascript, webcomponents, google, polymer, webdev
Today, there was an online event called “Hello Polymer”, in which Polymer team members Eric Bidelman, Alex Komoroske and Matthew McNulty talked about the framework. This blog post summarizes what happened.

Trailing commas in object literals and array literals

[2013-07-14] dev, javascript, jslang
Quick reminder: trailing commas in object literals are legal in ECMAScript 5, trailing commas in arrays are ignored.

Performance optimizations and for loops

[2013-07-10] dev, javascript, jslang
This blog post looks at two common performance optimizations for for loops. Are they really faster than the canonical version?

Array iteration and holes in JavaScript

[2013-07-07] dev, javascript, jslang, jsarrays
The blog post describes how various functions and methods that deal with arrays are affected by holes [1].

Feeds (RSS, Atom) in the time of social media

[2013-07-02] social, blogging, computers
These days, social media (Twitter, Facebook, Google+ etc.) seem much more popular than feeds (RSS, Atom). Google claims about the latter that their “usage has declined”. That begs the question: have social media made feeds irrelevant? This blog post answers that question with a firm “no” and explains why.


Iterators and generators in ECMAScript 6

[2013-06-30] esnext, dev, javascript
[2015-02-26] New version of this blog post: “Iterables and iterators in ECMAScript 6

The iterator pattern enables unified and simple access to the elements stored in data structures. Generators are lightweight coroutines. Think: functions that can be suspended and resumed. Among other things, they help with implementing iterators.

This blog post explains how iterators and generators work in ECMAScript 6. The iterator protocol has recently changed, this post explains the new protocol.

Searching websites and evaluating JavaScript via Chrome’s omnibox

[2013-06-26] browser, computers, chrome
This blog post explains how to search several websites (not just a single search engine!) from the omnibox (address bar) in Google Chrome.