Update 2013-04-09: now simulates the approach of the ECMAScript 6 specification draft (search for "HomeObject" to find the relevant parts).
This post examines how super-references work in JavaScript and how they will be simplified by ECMAScript 6. To understand this post, it helps to be familiar with JavaScript inheritance. If you are not, consult [2].
Whenever one specifies values for all directions in a single CSS property, one has to adhere to the standard order: top comes first, right second, bottom third, and left fourth. This post mentions three mnemonics for remembering that order.
This post explains what named parameters are, how they can be simulated in JavaScript, and what improvements ECMAScript 6 will bring. Obviously, what is said about methods here applies to functions, as well.
I recently held a talk on JavaScript inheritance for a MunichJS meetup at Google Munich. Courtesy of TNG, a video has been recorded which I have uploaded to Vimeo.