
ECMAScript 6 promises (1/2): foundations

[2014-09-23] esnext, async, dev, javascript, promises, jslang

This blog post explains foundations of asynchronous programming in JavaScript. It is first in a series of two posts and prepares you for part two, which covers promises and the ECMAScript 6 promise API.

ECMAScript 6 modules: the final syntax

[2014-09-07] esnext, dev, javascript, jsmodules

At the end of July 2014, TC39 [^1] had another meeting, during which the last details of the ECMAScript 6 (ES6) module syntax were finalized. This blog post gives an overview of the complete ES6 module system.

Standardizing (a flavor of) Markdown

[2014-09-04] markdown, publishing, computers

Update 2014-09-05: Jeff Atwood renames “Standard Markdown” to “Common Markdown” and apologizes to John Gruber. Details: “Standard Markdown is now Common Markdown”.

On September 3, Jeff Atwood announced a new standardization effort for John Gruber’s Markdown: Standard Markdown.

Preventing function signature mismatch in ES5 and ES6

[2014-09-02] esnext, dev, javascript, jslang

In some cases, using a function (or method) with a callback can lead to surprising results – if the signature of the latter does not match the expectations of the former. This blog post explains this phenomenon and suggests fixes.


Video: JavaScript coding tips

[2014-08-13] dev, javascript, jslang, video

The following video is a recording of the talk “JavaScript coding tips”, which I held 2014-05-16 at the Sud Web Conference in Toulouse, France.

How should I format the ECMAScript 6 generator asterisk?

[2014-08-05] esnext, dev, javascript, jslang

[Update 2015-03-30] This blog post is now a section in “ES6 generators in depth”.

The asterisk (*) is used by ECMAScript 6 to mark generator-related constructs [^1]. In each case, you have considerable freedom w.r.t. adding or omitting whitespace before and after this character. This blog post explains how to best format the asterisk and why.

Using ECMAScript 6 today

[2014-08-01] esnext, dev, javascript, jslang

ECMAScript 6 (ES6) still sounds like something from the future. After all, it will only become a standard by mid 2015. However, its features are continually appearing in browsers and there are compilers that translate ES6 code to ES5 code. The latter is already a compelling solution, because the ECMAScript 6 feature set is already frozen.

This blog post gives a brief overview of ECMAScript 6 features and describes tools that enable you to use them today.


Dispatched and direct method calls in ECMAScript 5 and 6

[2014-07-27] esnext, dev, javascript, jslang

There are two ways to call methods in JavaScript:

  • via dispatch, e.g. obj.someMethod(arg0, arg1)
  • directly, e.g. someFunc.call(thisValue, arg0, arg1)

This blog post explains how these two work and why you will rarely call methods directly in ECMAScript 6.

The roles of AngularJS and Polymer

[2014-07-18] dev, javascript, webcomponents, angularjs, polymer, clientjs

A key feature of AngularJS 2.0 is its support for Web Components [^1]. Google’s Polymer is a Web Component polyfill (enabling them on all current browsers) and a framework on top of Web Components. This blog post describes how the Angular team sees the roles of AngularJS and Polymer.

The roles, according to the AngularJS team  

AngularJS 2.0 team member Rob Eisenberg recently explained the relationship between AngularJS and Polymer:

A JavaScript survival guide

[2014-07-14] dev, javascript

Are you a programmer who is considering learning JavaScript, but unsure whether it is worth the pain? Then this blog post is for you: I argue that it is worth it and give tips for surviving the language.