
HTML templating with ES6 template strings

[2015-01-15] esnext, dev, template literals, javascript

Despite their name, template strings in ECMAScript 6 (ES6) are more like a different kind of function call than a mechanism for defining templates. This blog post explains how you can still use them for HTML templating. It is based on an idea by Claus Reinke.

ECMAScript 6 sets: union, intersection, difference

[2015-01-14] esnext, dev, javascript

A recent question by Dmitry Moskowski reminded me: ECMAScript 6 sets have no methods for computing the union (e.g. addAll), intersection (e.g. retainAll) or difference (e.g. removeAll). This blog post explains how to work around that limitation.

ECMAScript 6: maps and sets

[2015-01-05] esnext, dev, javascript

Among others, the following four data structures are new in ECMAScript 6: Map, WeakMap, Set and WeakSet. This blog post explains how they work.


Symbols in ECMAScript 6

[2014-12-28] esnext, dev, javascript
  • TODO: Mention early what their main purpose is, what they are good for.

Symbols are a new primitive type in ECMAScript 6 [^1]. This blog post explains how they work.

ECMAScript 6: new OOP features besides classes

[2014-12-21] esnext, dev, javascript

Classes [^2] are the major new OOP feature in ECMAScript 6 [^1]. However, it also includes new features for object literals and new utility methods in Object. This blog post describes them.

One JavaScript: avoiding versioning in ECMAScript 6

[2014-12-18] esnext, dev, javascript

What is the best way to add new features to a language? This blog post describes the approach taken by ECMAScript 6 [^3], the next version of JavaScript. It is called One JavaScript, because it avoids versioning.

Meta programming with ECMAScript 6 proxies

[2014-12-09] esnext, dev, javascript, js proxies

This blog post explains the ECMAScript 6 (ES6) feature proxies. Proxies enable you to intercept and customize operations performed on objects (such as getting properties). They are a meta programming feature.


Mobile-friendly web pages

[2014-11-19] mobile, dev, google, webdev


Statically typed JavaScript via Microsoft TypeScript, Facebook Flow and Google AtScript

[2014-10-28] atscript, esnext, dev, javascript, typedjs, facebook flow, typescript

Update 2014-11-18: Facebook Flow has been released as open source. Its website is flowtype.org. The site mentions plans for Flow’s future.

This blog post looks at three initiatives for adding static typing to JavaScript: Microsoft’s TypeScript, Facebook’s Flow and Google’s AtScript.

ECMAScript 6 promises (2/2): the API

[2014-10-05] esnext, async, dev, javascript, promises, jslang

This blog post is an introduction to asynchronous programming via promises in general and the ECMAScript 6 (ES6) promise API in particular. It is second in a series of two posts – part one explains foundations of asynchronous programming (which you may need to learn in order to fully understand this post).