[2012-10-03] Since this article has been written, it was decided that ECMAScript will have the special property __proto__ instead of the <| operator.
[2013-10-21] Instead of the extension operator, ECMAScript.next will have the function Object.assign().
A popular JavaScript myth is that JavaScript’s prototypal inheritance is complicated and that to fix it, we need classes. This post explains that that opinion is not completely wrong, but misses some important points.
This post gives an overview of JavaScript that is as short as possible, but explains every major feature. Give the language a chance! You have to learn its quirks, but then it is fun to program in.
“Big Words” is a very simple iPhone app idea: Use your mobile device to display Twitter-style messages to other people, in the real world. Fittingly, one of its creators is a Twitter co-founder.
There seem to be people who hate ECMAScript 5’s strict mode. This post shows that this hatred is not justified and provides work-arounds for features that are missing.
This post describes a JavaScript implementation of enums, enumerations of symbols. The idea originally comes from Allen Wirfs-Brock, via a thread on the es-discuss mailing list.
This post explains how to write modules that are universal – they run on browsers and Node.js. A previous post showed a simple way of doing so, this post presents a more sophisticated solution that also handles modules importing other modules. Additionally, we use the unit test framework Jasmine to write tests for those modules that are equally universal.
This post gives a quick introduction to the JavaScript unit test framework Jasmine. It has the advantage of allowing tests to be run both in browsers and on Node.js.