
A JavaScript class pattern that starts with a function

[2011-10-17] dev, javascript, jslang
There are too many JavaScript class patterns and inheritance APIs out there. Here is another one. The twist: Its core construct is a function, not an object literal.

The power of the Asynchronous Module Definition

[2011-10-14] dev, javascript, jsmodules, jslang
Update 2011-11-19: Bridging the module gap between Node.js and browsers

This post explains Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD), a standard for defining modules in JavaScript and contrasts it with the currently very popular CommonJS synchronous modules.

logo.js – JavaScript has a (semi-)official logo

[2011-10-13] dev, javascript
On Oct 4th, Chris Williams (@voodootikigod) published logo.js on GitHub.

Google Dart – overview and comments

[2011-10-10] dev, google, dart, webdev
Today, it has finally happened: At the GOTO conference, Google has officially presented its new programming language, Dart. This post gives an overview of Dart and provides a few comments on how it fits into the current programming language landscape.

Unix shell: search for a text via “find” and “grep”

[2011-10-06] dev, unix, shell
This post shows you how to use “find” and “grep” to search for a text string in all files that are directly or indirectly contained in a given directory.

Displaying a square root with HTML

[2011-10-04] dev, html5, webdev, math
This post shows two ways of displaying a square root with HTML.


Internet Explorer 10 Preview – a first look by Sencha

[2011-09-27] dev, internet explorer, javascript, windows 8
Sencha has recently published a first look at the Internet Explorer 10 preview [via Sacha Storz]. This post summarizes the main points.

ECMAScript.next: new details, reacting to Dart complaints

[2011-09-25] esnext, dev, javascript
On September 18, 2011, Brendan Eich held a talk at CapitolJS. In it, he covered more details on what will be in ECMAScript.next; how to react to the complaints voiced by Dart’s creators; and RiverTrail, a JavaScript extensions for parallel programming. This post summarizes the highlights of the first two topics.

Template strings: embedded DSLs in ECMAScript 6

[2011-09-20] dsl, esnext, dev, template literals, javascript

In ECMAScript 6, template strings [^1] are a syntactic construct that facilitates the implementation of embedded domain-specific languages (DSLs) in JavaScript. They were originally called “quasi-literals”. This blog post explains how they work.

Warning: This blog post is slightly outdated. The terminology has changed:

  • Template literal (was: template string): `abc`
  • Tagged template (was: tagged template string): func`abc`
  • Tag function (was: template handler): func from previous item

A first look at what might be in ECMAScript 7 and 8

[2011-09-14] esnext, dev, javascript
Brendan Eich mentions features that are candidates for ECMAScript 6, 7 and 8: